Hepple Digital

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Why Small Businesses Need SEO

When you start a business, your main priorities are most likely focused around developing your product/ service and growing your audience. Unless your service is SEO (and if that’s the case, you likely aren’t reading this guide…) then search engine optimisation probably isn’t on your list of priorities.

Many small to medium businesses operate mainly on social media, branching out to create their own websites when their audience grows and they can justify the cost. But i always recommend that businesses take the website leap as early as possible.

Why Small ( & Medium… & Large!) Businesses Need A Website

If you are reading this blog, it’s likely that you already have a website already. But if not, here are my top reasons for needing a website in 2022 and going into 2023.

  1. It Shows You Are Committed

    There’s nothing like a website to show to people you are committed to your businesses, this is similar to point 2, though different in that i am emphasising the feeling within you.

    Once you start up a website, get your own domain, and start working on your online brand -which is essential - then you can really start to grow your business. and start developing the details of your brand and how you want to appear online.

  2. It Makes You Look Trustworthy

    Having a website shows your customers that you are committed and that you care enough about your brand to build a lovely, optimised website for them to browse and find out about your business or even make purchases from you.

    If you are wanting to sell your products online, having a website is an essential part of your business. Hosting on other marketplaces is fine, but having your own website makes you more professional, trustworthy, and even more profitable and scalable.

  3. It Can Help You Get Customers

    When you optimise your websites for SEO and use advertising strategies, you can grow your business and bring in new customers through search engines. You have the ability to reach thousands of new customers each month.

    Why Small Business Need SEO

    if you think SEO is just for 7 figure busineses, you couldn’t be more wrong. Yes , it may be more difficult for a small business to compete in the space, but doesn’t mean it is impossible.

    Having a well optimised website helps increase your traffic, and when used in-line with advertising campaigns - you can achieve great results.

Not sure what to do next? Book a full website audit with me for only £295

Get in touch: heppledigital@gmail.com

Or give me a call on: 07496758919