Advertising on Amazon - FAQ’s

When it comes to Advertising Amazon, there are lot of questions and uncertainty. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions I hear within my day-to-day of working on Amazon Advertising campaigns.

How much does it cost to advertise on Amazon?

Depending on your brand, your products, and your business goals - your budget will be completely unique.

As a general rule I would recommend starting with a minimum daily budget of £10-£15. This totals to between £300-£450 per month.

As time goes on and your campaigns improve and are optimised, as well as launching strategic campaigns - this number may increase.

That being said, if you are a well-known brand you may need to spend more on protecting your brand from competitors as well as reaching new customers - so your cost is likely to be higher.

The best thing to do is trial budgets and see how your Amazon PPC campaigns run - and you can adjust the budgets as you go on.

What are the advantages of Amazon advertising?

I would recommend Amazon Ads to all Amazon sellers - as long as their listings are of high quality and reviews are good!

Sponsored ad placements give you the opportunity to reach new potential customers and grow your product sales quickly in comparison to relying on organic search placements.

As well as driving short term sales, Amazon Ads that perform well help grow the organic ranking of products.

This is because Amazon values products that make sales and that convert well - so they see successful products as having more opportunity for making sales (and ultimately making them more profit!)

Is Amazon marketing worth it?

Whilst this depends highly on your listing quality, Amazon marketing is definitely worth it.

I would recommend incorporating Amazon Ads into your Amazon marketing strategy and seeing the results for yourself.

Are Amazon Ads profitable?

When run by an experienced Amazon Advertising Manager, you can ensure your Amazon Ads remain profitable.

There are many factors to consider, such as margins, conversion rate, and your Amazon Advertising strategy - all of which determine the profitability of your advertising campaigns.

That being said, profitability isn’t always the goal. Smaller brands may use AMS to drive brand awareness and grow their brand - which may reduce profitability in the short term but drive business growth for the future.

Looking for Advertising Advertising Support?

I’ve been running Amazon advertising campaigns for household names and smaller businesses alike for the past 3 years.

Get in touch to see how I can skyrocket your Amazon ad campaigns.

Robyn HeppleComment